Friday 25 May 2012

Further Research (Memory triggers)

Humans have memory triggers that set off very strong recollections of past experiences.
A memory trigger can be a sound, a feeling when u touched something, a particular scent or something you see that flashes you back into your past. These triggers cause you to relive long ago times so intensely, nothing else exists but the moment you are reliving. Memories relived so strongly, so vividly, you feel the same feelings you felt when the memory was born.

Research (Memory)

In psychology, memory is the processes by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Encoding allows information that is from the outside world to reach our senses in the forms of chemical and physical stimuli. In this first stage we must change the information so that we may put the memory into the encoding process. Storage is the second memory stage or process. This entails that we maintain information over periods of time. Finally the third process is retrieval. This is the retrieval of information that we have stored. We must locate it and return it to our consciousness. Some retrieval attempts may be effortless due to the type of information.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Presentation in class:
I created a box which 2 "holes" with cover to put 2 different item inside for people to put their hands in and feel the item without looking at it.

First, I will get a volunteer to help me with it.
Then, I will ask the person to put his/her hand in 1 of the box without looking into the hole.
After that, I will ask him/her "what do you feel about the item?" and "What's the first thing that came across your mind when you touched that item?"
This goes the same for the other hole.

After the experiment, he/she reply us with his/her own answer. The answer is unique and will be different from everyone because each of us have our own memories and experiences.

Thank you for your kind attention! :)

Research-1 (Sense of touch)


Body has about 20 different types of nerve endings that all send messages to our brain. The nerve endings in the skins can tell you if something is hot or cold etc. Most common receptors are: Pain, Heat, Cold and Pressure.
Pain receptor are probably the most important because they can protect us by warning our brain that our body is hurt. Body parts with more nerves are more sensitive.

Research (Sense of Touch)

The sense of touch is found all over our body, while the other four senses are located in specific parts of the body. Sense of touch originates in the bottom layer of our skin called the "Dermis". The dermis is filled with many tiny nerve endings which gives us information about the things with which our body comes in contact.

They do this by carrying the information to the spinal cord, which sends messages to the brain where the feeling is registered.

Sense of Touch

Assignment part 1

We've been given the assignment brief and we have to make something regarding to the senses.
We can choose to do any of the senses based on the 5 basic senses.
Which is: Sight, Hear, Smell, Touch and Taste.
So....the topic I'm working on is...

The Sense of Touch.

The message i'm trying to convey is: Everything that we've touched before links back to our memories and our experiences.